Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hot Pot Ya-Hon -receipes


There are three parts to making this dish: Condiments (beef, Seafood, and Vegetables plates), 
Noodle, and Ya-Hon Sauce.

Part 1: Creating Your Condiments
Beef and Sea food
½ lb. of shrimp: clean, peel, and devein
½ lb. of squid: clean and cut into bit size
2 lbs. of beef steak: washed and then thinly sliced.
Store the seafood and beef into separated container then place inside refrigerator, combine them 10 minutes before serving.

1 pack of mushroom: washed, then cut into quarters(any type of mushroom you would like to use)
2 lbs. of baby bok choy- clean and cut in half
2 lbs. of water spinach "da-goun": trim at the end then in half
2 lbs. spinach: washed 3 time to eliminate dirt
2 lbs. watercress
Place the veggies in a colander to dry.

Part 2: Noodle
4 batches of Tomoshiraga Somen noodle, 1 batch per a person.
Cook for 5 to 10 minutes, if the noodles are sticking together, let them cook a little longer. Cooking should not extend more than 15 min. Form small serving batches and place inside a colander. Best served chilled.

Part 3: Saucing it up
1 can of coconut milk, simmer high until the aroma fills the air, about 5 minutes.
¼ cup of Chinese bbq sauces- should say for hot pot on the label
4 cans of COCO rico soda
3 tbs of fish sauce
½ tsp. sugar
½ tsp. salt
½  tsp. msg (optional)

Cook the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes on low. Then place into the hot pot, once the hot starts to boil add in 2 tbs of crush peanut.

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